Friday, September 3, 2010


We found elderberries in our front yard this week!One day when Momma, Rowan and I were coming in from hanging clothes on the line, we saw the most unusual little berries.So I got my mom's herb book and then I looked at the elderberry picture. I told Mom they were elderberries so Rowan and I got some. Elderberries can be confused with Swamp Hemlock,which is poisonous.You can make elderberry syrup, and elderberry rob which is good for flu in the winter.

Monday, August 23, 2010

The Purple Coneflower is Helpful!!!

The purple coneflower is good for septicemia, snake bite, and rabies.The purple coneflowers have purpley-pink petals and in the middle it is golden-brown.The purple coneflowers  have remained an important medicinal herb over many centuries that is very long what do you think?                                                                             

Friday, August 13, 2010

Herbs can help and hurt!!!!!

If  you have a headache and don't know what to do, I might be able to help. Peppermint tea could help that headache. If you don't believe me, search for peppermint on google.

I will post the different things I read in books and online every Friday.