Friday, August 13, 2010

Herbs can help and hurt!!!!!

If  you have a headache and don't know what to do, I might be able to help. Peppermint tea could help that headache. If you don't believe me, search for peppermint on google.

I will post the different things I read in books and online every Friday.


  1. A good start. :) As you progress through the year, I expect your posts to grow in length and be a bit more informative. Be sure that your title effectively conveys what you want to talk about in your post. Today you talked about peppermint. Your title could have been a little less broad. Don't worry! We'll work on it together throughout the year. I believe you are really going to enjoy this. :) Happy blogging!

  2. I have awful headaches and have tried everything EXCEPT this...I have never heard this - Thanks I'll try this next time - good info!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
